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I would not be alone in the thoughts and deep wishes for those caught up in the fires re LA.

Think of having your house, your home burgled? That trauma is in itself not just painful, leaving some with long term scars AND FEAR?

NOW look at recent events re the fires, the destruction, the devastation with some losing EVERYTHING. NOT what the thief took in the night et but EVERYTHING.

MEMORIES, TREASURED POSSESSIONS time encapsulated irreplaceable thoughts, dreams, achievements; GONE. Caught up in a whirlwind of terrifying proportions. I can’t bear to dwell upon the sight of that aftermath.

It is liken to a war zone. A never ending, winding, spiral of all that you cared about, you loved, you grew up with as a FAMILY, as FRIENDS; gone. Only the rubble left to remind you of what was taken by force from you.

I am as an outsider fed up with listening to those making excuses, trying to cover their own ! es ... To say that there were those who knew, KNEW what the situation was re that area, the likelihood, that did nothing or only what they needed to?

It is an insult to your intelligence something it seems that some lack.. all in the name of DEI? the WOKE minority who influenced decisions, created laws, changed protections to nullify them or get rid of them all together?

It is time those affected by their inadequacies stood up and made them accountable. Have they lost their homes? their treasured possessions burnt to the ground? How many have lost NOTHING?

California needs to wise up and PUNISH those who failed them.

To have the courage to face what lies ahead, together BUT 

Those who LOST EVERYTHING, need to wise up and
PUNISH those who failed them.

Take from them, everything they took from you.

ALL, from within the entire system, who, followed the ones, who, FAILED those, they were elected to protect them?

Make those who failed them NEVER EVER forget what they were guilty of ..
NO MERCY. That also includes those who were looting,

Hard labour, forced to work in amongst the rubble to clear up, to clean up and some of them?  Put em in chains.. chain gangs.

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