The terror, was being unleashed upon them, like ‘lambs’ to the slaughter. In its presence, anything with a SOUL was easy pickings. Gai had told to be quiet. A difficult task amidst all of the celebrations and NOISE? Screams and dying into the night, more than just the screams.
The Cflen with two of the B’stard spawn of the BEAST, had seen, some of, the terrified locals, rushing past them? It looked to see a female, with strange lights all over it? Her pets, were not getting agitated, so whatever it was, was NOT Human(a).
It kept on coming, now stepping close to stroke her ‘pets’. Then there was a scream, like nothing, she had ever, witnessed before; from them?
The lights, on the being, were burning brighter, much much brighter. The two of her ‘pets’ keeled over DEAD. The Cflen, reached for her weapon, but too late. She too, died where she was stood.
In the Vae? Ibet, had burst into the chamber, out of breath and gasping for air as they settled him for him to tell alll.Gai knew straight away what it was.
A Soul reaper. That Matsupa bitch, had unleashed one of them upon them. “Seal the chamber. NO one in, no one out.
IT cannot break in. Also, it, will only collect, a certain number until it is sated, whereupon it, will wait, until it needs to collect more.”
THAT was a fact. IT, had collected, enough for now and turned, walked away into the evening mist. GONE, where? It, was NOT, detectable, unless, you have the right ‘ones’ present, to find it and destroy IT?
The ‘Jester’, was listening in all that was being said. It could stop, the Soul seeker but, was enjoying the togetherness of all present.
For what lay ahead, they had to pull together. To be together as ONE.
If they really thought, that the Matsupa had gone? There was, a rude awakening coming. IT knew, that in space Co Ooi, was with her Aposso meeting, another, Matsupa space ship.
Transfer of new Zealot troops. A meeting, with other Matsupa Accolytes? Possibly, a pure blood Matsupa ?!!
Not, disposed to be merciful, to those, who failed them and that, included Matsupa Accolytes.
They had noted firing weapons at that ‘thing’ had done nothing. IT, had a protective shield so their weapons fire just bounced off it. Also, it was not good, for the person firing it, to be too close, the ricochet was just that, an energy burst.
They, needed, to know more and, the only reliable reference was ‘Tolgani the book of Legends’ ?
The archives did, indeed prove useful. To kill it, you had to have NO soul. Any being with a soul, could be killed, as for those ‘primitives’.
“Where, will we find a soul less??” A trap, sprung by, a soul less creature. Plenty of them around, just not here. THEY were sentient lifeforms, that were silica based creations. Ones paid to hunt them down, by the Galacia Federa?!
Perhaps, they, could send a distress call? Hopefully the Galacia Federa, might pick it up? The Jester shook its head. The Matsupa, had put a signal blocking satellite in orbit.
A transponder, that passed, anything transmitted, to them. The more they panicked, the more the Matsupa had updates and, reasons, to celebrate; on all that was happening in their absence.
Dola, had remembered the device, they had been given by Prie? “If, you find yourselves needing help, use the device?” The ‘Progestor’ had also reminded them, ONLY, to use, in a situation, they saw as truly desperate?
Replacing the device, Dola still not convinced, she should use it? Lys, had seen her dithering. She waited, until she had gone to rest, to pick the device up and, head for the river. A high point above it.
Clear night sky and, unsure, how to use it, she raised it, to peer closer at it when, suddenly it lit up. Bright and appearing to flicker momentarily, before it died back to nothing.
No matter, how she shook it, it did nothing. Now she had to take it back, put it in the place she had found it and hope no one had seen her?
The Jester had. IT smiled. I like you Lys. You are, a little impulsive at times, but that, is not such a bad thing. I wish some more of those around you, were as brave.
Knowing that ‘thing’ was still around had crossed Lys mind. Fear? She, had reasoned, it, was worth her life, IF it, brought them help, much needed help.
The next day, she said nothing. The others around her were busy trying to work out what to do next? No one, was keen, on seeking that ‘thing’ out.
Some attempt, to restore communications, had had some modicum of success BUT, it was limited.Short range only and NOT, going to send a signal, into deep space any time soon.
Even, the, all new mountain stronghold, seemed quiet. Hardly anyone talking. Morale, had dropped, to an all time low. Many, were resigned to their fate.
From the beginning, a lot of them accepted they were doomed. All the peace, the tranquility and happiness, they had once shared, for the local inhabitants, seemed a distant memory.
IN space, deep space?
The Matsupa, had now met up. Their vessels, transferring Zealots and others, whilst the two Matsupa Accolytes talked. They, would go back and, with the two vessels, set up the Chx device.
From space, launch an aerial attack on all they thought they should destroy. Spread a little happiness. Terrorise, instill fear and, show the power of the Matsupa, before sending in their Zealot hordes.
IT, had not gone unnoticed, re the destruction of the Zealots! The massive number wiped out? It was, still NOT known, by what? Fragments of strange rocks littered the area.
Co Ooi was not forthcoming, mainly, because she did NOT know, of such a weapon, that could do that, being found on the planet?
Those now questioning her Aposolate, without her knowing, had proven to be difficult. THEY did NOT know either. Whatever it was, had been so powerful, it had destroyed the Chx device, leaving, not even dust behind.
The questioning, continued, with the others. Clerica, was one of their most senior Aposso and she, could only venture, one opinion, that could, deliver an answer to such devastation.
An OMINI? Co Ooi, was not pleased to hear, of those of her own, being questioned, behind her back? As for, the ridiculous suggestion, that it, had been the work of an Omini?
She feared, Clerica, would, keep that supposition, going, to her detriment. IF, a pure blood, heard that and, decided to investigate? It would be a death sentence for her?
Truth was, Clerica, had been furious, at the arrival of one of her most hated, of Matsupa Accolytes, She, had been punished by her and punished again, over the latest debacle.
She needed rid of IT. The only way, that could be achieved, was proving, she was incompetent. Had failed the Matsupa? To that end, she had secretly communicated her views, to other Matsupa Accolytes.
Jealousy, spite, is a real trait between the Matsupa Accolytes. The desire to see others terminated is a real pleasure to them. Any good reason is good enough, well in some instances.
The Vae attacks, had been a huge loss of Zealot resources. Time, failures, for Co Ooi to arrive too late.
She, had been ordered, some time before, her arrival and, decided to ignore; muttering, that some, backwater bunch of primitives, should not be taking up her valuable time.
The deaths, the losses, the all too clear failures, were NOT good, not good at all. She ordered Clerica to her. The moment she, received orders to that effect, Clerica knew her death was imminent.
That bitch, needed, someone to blame; to execute. Doing so, would restore her power, in the eyes of others. BUT how could she, delay, the moment of her execution?
She, set all the alarms off, re what we would know as fire alarms and, IF you think thatis ridiculously improbable just remember the plasma systems, volatile combustible fuels and more?
Think, she needed to think. Launching a small zimp to escape to a nearby planet in the midst of all the chaos? Might work. Either way, she was already as good as dead.
Enroute, the noise, finally dying away, as MOKs (Mechanic only knows). were busy checking systems and coming back, with no real issues? False alarms.
Clerica had reached the Zimps. Stepping into one, to prime its systems, whilst ripping out the tracking and remote controllers. NOW, she could open a small escape hatch, big enough for a Zimp to pass through, with her onboard, hopefully; undetected?
Co Oii was getting impatient. WHERE was Clerica? No, sign of her aboard their craft. She, had removed the life signs tracker and, punched the small device in her arm to stop it transmitting her whereabouts.
Of course, she did not know, of the powers of the Matsupa Accolytes? She was there and then?
Full on terror, full on fear as she found herself before Co Ooi, in the as one might say, blinking of an eye. She was on her knees, the pain rippling through her was like nothing she had ever experienced even when Co Ooi had punished her.
NOTHING like that, no this was far far more penetrating, intense; crippling.
“YOU dare to, challenge YOUR GOD? YOU only live, because I allow you to. We, the Matsupa, are YOUR GODS.”
Clerica managed, to summon up her last strength, as she raised her head, spat at her.
“YOU, you WHORE, are NOT my GOD.”
She was lifted, to be turned around and, in front of her, another being.
“This primitive, dares to commit heresy? Before her GODS...”
The figure glared at Co Ooi. “It seems I arrived just in time.
YOU, are clearly incapable, of keeping, even these primitives, under control?”
Thrown down, to the floor, Clerica, her bones cracking, smashed within her skin as she screamed. Unable to move, but she could see Co Ooi, raised from her seat, to rise mid air.
“I am NOT, allowing such heresy, to continue.”
The one most Matsupa ancient GOD; Accolytes knew could end them? Co Ooi, felt, the shudder of her body and, the stench, upon her nostrils, of her bowels, emptying along with the river, of ! now flooding beneath her.
An ancient, pure blood, called XiLoc the destroyer. With the power of a Jin and, the ability, to skin alive, smash every bone with just ITs breath? ANY living thing.. ANY.
It ripped Co Ooi apart. Every last scream, every shake of her skeleton, with the last tear of her flesh, from off her bones. Death in its wake. A searing heat, burning across what remained.
The body, that had been, now turning to red hot dust! Nothing in the end, but that dust, to be sucked up and, blown away, through the vents.
Liak, the remaining Matsupa Accolyte, had entered to witness, the last dying throes, of Co Ooi. She fell on her knees, before IT. Not in fear, they do NOT know fear,.
“I am not here, to deliver judgment on YOU.
Your meeting, up with that heretic, does not count by me, as YOU being, in any way responsible, for the failure on ITs part, to do as her GODS ordered her.
NOW, that HERETIC, what are you going to do to appease my temper?” Liak moved towards Clerica.
Her body, moved by her, a kind of telekinesis to now lay suspended in front of her, She tore her clothing from her, furiously stripping her naked. The blade in Liak’s hand, sliced her, from top to bottom.
Every drag of the blade down her, was felt by her. Split open, as hands, now leaned in, to not CUT her heart out, BUT drag it out, with such violence whilst she smiled.. SMILED.
Blood splattered. over her face, across her lips as she licked it back. raising the heart to drink from it? XiLoc, took the heart from her, to raise it, drink from it, before throwing it at what had been Clerica.
“NOW we, are going to go to that accursed planet. we, are going to install the Chx device and every living thing on it, will be taught WHO, their GODS are.
THEY, WILL, bow down and beg for mercy; every last one of them. We will butcher over half of them, the rest, will become our slaves, our food, our sacrifices.
After I have finished, partaking of my pleasures, I will leave YOU, to rule over those primitives. I will gift to you four of my favoured Oposo.
One of them likes to eat flesh. I will have the pleasure, of forcing, those on that miserable hole, to see IT, tear some of them apart and, eat them alive. “
She dropped to her knees, bowed. “I am your servant, YOU are MY GOD to be obeyed and I, will pledge my life, to making sure, YOU are a GOD to be NEVER forgotten.
I shall, tear them apart, just as I have, before you here, with such pleasure, to please YOU; my GOD The rivers, will run red, with their blood. The skies, will turn red, with the reflection of their blood.
In the shadows, IT looked on. IT could with one wave of ‘her’ hands wipe them from existence, even the Jin. BUT no.
The game, was about to be played. For now, the presence of the Jin, was an unfair advantage, some might say, almost, cheating.
She, would send HER. The favoured one, of Aphrodite, of Tolgani, Lysa. Yes that was her name, gifted by and protected by; Aphrodite.
HER Jester, would make sure, she, could do as she pleased. Another wild card, but, fair play re that.. Even the Jin, had NO power over Lysa.
Lysa? It had been a sudden temporal shift. NOT, that she, was unfamiliar to such. It seemed, that Aphrodite, wanted her, to be somewhere and, she did not disappoint her benefactor.
Outfit, was really good. Would blend in well with most of the locals here. The senses, were telling her Aphrodite, wanted her, to infiltrate her new surroundings.
It would be Lys, her namesake who would see her for the first time. Though NOT knowing her, it did not cause her any real concerns.
She liked, the way, she was dressed. Good talker, friendly and soon they, were taking in some drinks, whilst Lys,, told her all about, what had been happening?
The Soul stealer? That ‘thing’ had made its way into the Vae, sucking up a few lost souls on the way?
NOW, outside the INN where they were sat talking, drinking? The doors flung open,
Several locals, now rushing in, screaming about the ‘thing’ being outside? Cowering in fear?
Lysa stood up, calmly walked to the door, telling Lys to close; secure the door behind her?
The ‘thing’? IT stared at Lysa, as she stepped into the street one might say, high noon, springs to mind? IT suddenly realized, this whatever it was had NO soul.
A silicon based lifeform? ALL that it feared, dreaded, now manifesting itself in front of IT.
“Come give me a hug.” IT tried to turn, to escape? Too late, Lysa locked her hands onto it. The ‘thing’ shook the lights on its body flickered, the lights dying to nothing.
IT screamed. The screech from it as it turned to dust? DUST! She clapped her hands shaking off the last of the dust. “Ah well Aphro, they owe me for this. NOW, I, need to finish my drink.”
The Jester smiled, I think your companion Tolgani, would be pleased, to see you, taking care of that ‘thing’. Good to see, I will NOT need to ‘babysit ’YOU.
Hell is on its way and we, need to stop them from cheating, re the game now in play!
Aphrodite has gifted YOU, some impressive powers, Of course, YOU, can NOT be killed. ONLY Aphrodite herself, can end YOUR life. I like the way you can transform into anything re clothing, how you appear and of course your strength is NOT to be tested, by any, stupid enough to do so.”
‘Lysa’ Images are designed and produced by EmeraldApple and are released under ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL (CC BY 4.0)
NO ONE but NO ONE writes Jess Corbin Sci Fi like Jess Corbin..
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