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An apple a day

keeps the ‘Doctor’ away.


Jess Corbin

Who needs a ‘doctor’ ?

when you have
Jess Corbin’s Sci Fi?

Brutal, savage and unforgiving.

Jess Corbin, shows why THEY have so much more, to fear from us
if we ever get into space.

The Cflen, the Nature of the BEAST.


You must be over age 16, to view these books.

You must be over age 16, to view these books.

Content is brutally savage,
Jess Corbin shows the Human(a) race at its worst and how in


Jess Corbin

Book 1 www.qiverse.com/cflen1

Book 2 www.qiverse.com/cflen2

Copyright Jess Corbin Jess Corbin Associates.

Jess Corbin

Copyright Jess Corbin Jess Corbin Associates.

Terrifyingly reading from the guy who despises the word HUMAN

because it is too close to the word HUMANE”

Jess Corbin The Qiverse

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