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For many of Jess Corbin fans, those who have been around the longest, will know, a lot of the answers to the following:  #postcard from #Jess #Corbin. where he identifies some key questions and gives, where possible an answer to them.  It is good to be dropping by to find out WHY he is such an astonishing writer but ALSO a musician and a #Qiverse  INTERNATIONALLY recognised POET / SONGWRITER.
So come and see what makes him the special guy he is! EACH month this page will include another
#postcard from #Jess #Corbin.                                

Well here we are, and into the festive season.

Its been, a heck of a year and I know I, am not alone in having experienced that sentiment.

This time of the year can be tough for a lot of you.
That hiding behind the sofa when your would be ! suddenly turn up or threaten to!

So I sympathize !

But as they say, there is always the sunshine after the storm.
That rainbow effect, still persists and even I, have to admit, been there, seen it, witnessed it and got the tee!

Thankyou to all of you for the love, the support and the shared love from my writing that has seen me through some tough times.

Seasons greetings to you ALL and our USA friends, HOLLY!
Happy Thanksgiving!


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