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For many of Jess Corbin fans, those who have been around the longest, will know, a lot of the answers to the following:  #postcard from #Jess #Corbin. where he identifies some key questions and gives, where possible an answer to them.  It is good to be dropping by to find out WHY he is such an astonishing writer but ALSO a musician and a #Qiverse  INTERNATIONALLY recognised POET / SONGWRITER.
So come and see what makes him the special guy he is! EACH month this page will include another
#postcard from #Jess #Corbin.                                                                              

Well it is #HALLOWEEN  month.
Plenty, of spooky, haunting pages, coming up.

This month we have a lot of what makes this writer a genuinely talented writer. You WILL laugh, cry and sigh; make no misake about that!

So #Jess tell us what is coming up?

#TOLGANI if you’re not browsing the new web re ‘Legends’ you are missing out on some genuine entertainment! How he ended up CURSED is in itself well worth the read. I had to grin writing those pages.

Proving the point, what goes round sure come round to bite you on the! Or in his case, well we won’t go there!

The Clen ;the kiss of the Gods; will continue to keep its regulars coming back. War is coming to the Vae and I promise you, it will keep you all on the edge of your seats!

Kets Akademy ? Well they, are lining up for the paarty of the century.
Ameryst, takes on, three of the worst.
Ocasa has a surprise present from Mama.. hmm!

Overall this month is awash with excitement, drama, good, bad and indifference! Lot of love as always to my fans, my FAMILY !

x Jess


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