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For many of Jess Corbin fans, those who have been around the longest, will know, a lot of the answers to the following:  #postcard from #Jess #Corbin. where he identifies some key questions and gives, where possible an answer to them.  It is good to be dropping by to find out WHY he is such an astonishing writer but ALSO a musician and a #Qiverse  INTERNATIONALLY recognised POET / SONGWRITER.
So come and see what makes him the special guy he is! EACH month this page will include another
#postcard from #Jess #Corbin.                                                                                    #Njia

#Social #media WHY NO #X / #Meta and?

#Time ! #Thinking #Imagination #Writing #Editing

(Jess Corbin did have a TWITTER account @Jesscorbinbks
Following that chaging to ‘X’ it was discontinued.)

NO #woke NO #Karens #Happy #Days #Autumn


#Kindle Yes previously BUT NOT NOW! My sites will tell you my #reasons for NOT using Kindle. The #TITLES #ONLINE are available to be #read on most #electronic #devices.

No #EMAIL or other means to make #contact ?

I leave that to #Holly who I have a lot of love for and a big hi to #Mama #Suzie Copyright is #Holly  Use of my #writing #works for #magazine #articles : #Holly ! #Associates know who they are!

Why, are you, such, an amazing writer, when it comes to
#Sometimes #Love #Never #Dies #Dolce #Gabbana
Your #Poetry #Prose #Songs #Heart #HER

Because, of those, YOU,  who continue to ‘INSPIRE me!

Stay safe everyone.  MORE coming up with October’s HALLOWEEN fest. !

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ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. NO use of the work published is permitted in any way, shape or form without the consent of Jess Corbin or associates.
ALL Jess Corbin works unless stated otherwise are fiction. Products, links to other organisations, other websites are provided for information purposes only and do not infer,
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if visitors to any of Jess Corbin’s websites, pages, works click on links, product placements and or similar they  do so at their own risk, we do NOT accept responsibility for using the links and or buying products et.
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