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With the VERMN  BLOCKED from main systems, that WOKE insipid MINORITY where they should be no doubt somewhat peed off that I have realized just WHO they are..

I am somewhat relieved to also have other necessary tasks taken care of and though I have more of concern coming up re my health and well being at least the writing, the creativity IS getting back to normal.

SO.. Lets recap.

Kets Akademy this is looking good re ideas, characters, storylines and more!
I made a promise and I WILL keep it. I WILL have it as one of the best FAMILY Sci Fi’s of the decade!

The Cflen ‘Kiss of the Gods’ will also with the ‘War in the Vae’ have storylines and events, so much more in the mix to keep readers on the edges of their seats.

Our intrepid ‘Tolgani’ ? Well I had a lot of laughs writing the intro pages ! It is going to be outrageously funny at times, lush, lustful and have the tissues ready..

Seems the ‘Gods’ are going to be playing games, with us ALL.
 I WILL try,, to outline the various GAME related characters..
The Jester in the mix appears to have some control over outcomes. .. hmm.


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